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  • Liters to Cubic Centimeters table Start Increments Increment: 1000 Increment: 100 Increment: 20 Increment: 10 Increment: 5 Increment: 2 Increment: 1 Increment: 0.1 Increment: 0.01 Increment: 0.001 Fractional: 1/64 Fractional: 1/32 Fractional: 1/16 Fractional: 1/8 Fractional: 1/4 Fractional: 1/2.
  • Increasing thyroid nodule size impacts cancer risk in a nonlinear fashion. A threshold is detected at 2.0 cm, beyond which cancer risk is unchanged. However, the risk of follicular carcinomas and other rare thyroid malignancies increases as nodules enlarge.

Cm2↔in2 1 in2 = 6.258 cm2 cm2↔ft2 1 ft2 = 90372 cm2 cm2↔yd2 1 yd2 = 83334 cm2 cm2↔mi2 1 mi2 = 3.464 cm2 cm2↔ac 1 ac = 40462 cm2 cm2↔Township 1 Township = 03.73 cm2 cm2↔Homestead 1 Homestead =.0259 cm2 cm2↔Section 1 Section = 3.464 cm2.

Aortic valve area calculation is an indirect method of determining the area of the aortic valve (aortic valve area). The calculated aortic valve orifice area is currently one of the measures for evaluating the severity of aortic stenosis. A valve area of less than 1.0 cm2 is considered to be severe aortic stenosis.[1][2]

There are many ways to calculate the valve area of aortic stenosis. The most commonly used methods involve measurements taken during echocardiography. For interpretation of these values, the area is generally divided by the body surface area, to arrive at the patient's optimal aortic valve orifice area.


Planimetry is the tracing out of the opening of the aortic valve in a still image obtained during echocardiographic acquisition during ventricular systole, when the valve is supposed to be open. While this method directly measures the valve area, the image may be difficult to obtain due to artifacts during echocardiography, and the measurements are dependent on the technician who has to manually trace the perimeter of the open aortic valve. Because of these reasons, planimetry of aortic valve is not routinely performed.

The continuity equation[edit]

The continuity equation states that the flow in one area must equal the flow in a second area if there are no shunts between the two areas. In practical terms, the flow from the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) is compared to the flow at the level of the aortic valve. In echocardiography the aortic valve area is calculated using the velocity time integral (VTI) which is the most accurate method and preferred. The flow through the LVOT, or LV stroke volume (in cm3), can be calculated by measuring the LVOT diameter (in cm), squaring that value, multiplying the value by 0.78540 (which is π/4) giving a cross sectional area of the LVOT (in cm2) and multiplying that value by the LVOT VTI (in cm), measured on the spectral Doppler display using pulsed-wave Doppler. From these, it is easy to calculate the area (in cm2) of the aortic valve by simply dividing the LV stroke volume (in cm3) by the AV VTI (in cm) measured on the spectral Doppler display using continuous-wave Doppler.

Stroke volume = 0.785(π/4) x Diameter2 x VTI of LVOT

Cross sectional area of LVOT = 0.785(π/4) x LVOT Diameter2

Aortic Valve Area (in cm2)=LVOT diameter2⋅0.78540⋅LVOT VTIAortic Valve VTI{displaystyle {text{Aortic Valve Area (in cm}}^{2}{text{)}}={{text{LVOT diameter}}^{2}cdot 0.78540cdot {text{LVOT VTI}} over {text{Aortic Valve VTI}}}}

Example: An individual undergoes transthoracic echocardiography for the evaluation of a systolic ejection murmur with delayed carotid upstroke noted on physical examination. During echocardiography, the following measurements were made: LVOT diameter of 2 cm, LVOT VTI of 24 cm, and an Aortic Valve VTI of 50 cm. What is the aortic valve area?
Answer: An LVOT diameter of 2 cm gives a LVOT cross-sectional area of, 2 * 2 * 0.78540 = 3.14 cm2. To calculate stroke volume, multiply the cross-sectional area of 3.14 cm2 by the LVOT VTI 24 cm. This gives an LV stroke volume of 3.14 * 24 = 75.40 cc. Divide the LV stroke volume, 75.40 cc by the Aortic Valve VTI, 50 cm and this gives an aortic valve area of 75.40 / 50 = 1.51 cm2.

The weakest aspect of this calculation is the variability in measurement of LVOT area, because it involves squaring the LVOT dimension. Therefore, it is crucial for the sonographer to take great care in measuring the LVOT diameter.

The measurement using echocardiogram may be inaccurate in cases of Aortic subvalvular stenosis, because there is not a uniform diameter, as assumed during echocardiogram. The viewpoint of the echocardiogram may distort the true diameter of the LVOT in some patients. For verification purposes of the obtained valve area using echocardiogram and doppler measures, especially if the obtained valve area is in the range requiring surgery and cardiac output is low, the Gold standard of left heart catheterization for true hemodynamics should be obtained for validation using the Gorlin formula, so patient does not go for unneeded surgery.

The Gorlin equation[edit]

The Gorlin equation states that the aortic valve area is equal to the flow through the aortic valve during ventricular systole divided by the systolic pressure gradient across the valve times a constant. The flow across the aortic valve is calculated by taking the cardiac output (measured in liters per minute) and dividing it by the heart rate (to give output per cardiac cycle) and then dividing it by the systolic ejection period measured in seconds per beat (to give flow per ventricular contraction).

Valve Area (in cm2)=Cardiac Output (mlmin)Heart rate (beatsmin)⋅Systolic ejection period (s)⋅44.3⋅mean Gradient (mmHg){displaystyle {text{Valve Area (in cm}}^{2}{text{)}}={frac {{text{Cardiac Output }}({frac {text{ml}}{text{min}}})}{{text{Heart rate }}({frac {text{beats}}{text{min}}})cdot {text{Systolic ejection period (s)}}cdot 44.3cdot {sqrt {text{mean Gradient (mmHg)}}}}}}

The Gorlin equation is related to flow across the valve. Because of this, the valve area may be erroneously calculated as stenotic if the flow across the valve is low (i.e. if the cardiac output is low). The measurement of the true gradient is accomplished by temporarily increasing the cardiac output by the infusion of positive inotropic agents, such as dobutamine.

Example: An individual undergoes left and right heart cardiac catheterization as part of the evaluation of aortic stenosis. The following hemodynamic parameters were measured. With a heart rate of 80 beats/minute and a systolic ejection period of 0.33 seconds, the cardiac output was 5 liters/minute. During simultaneous measurement of pressures in the left ventricle and aorta (with the use of one catheter in the left ventricle and a second in the ascending aorta), the mean systolic pressure gradient was measured at 50 mmHg. What is the valve area as measured by the Gorlin equation?
Answer: Aortic Valve Area=5000mlmin80beatsmin⋅0.33s⋅44.3⋅50mmHg≈0.6cm2{displaystyle {text{Aortic Valve Area}}={frac {5000{frac {text{ml}}{text{min}}}}{80{frac {text{beats}}{text{min}}}cdot 0.33{text{s}}cdot 44.3cdot {sqrt {50{text{mmHg}}}}}}approx 0.6{text{cm}}^{2}}

The Hakki equation[edit]

The Hakki equation[3] is a simplification of the Gorlin equation, relying on the observation that in most cases, the numerical value of heart rate (bpm)⋅systolic ejection period (s)⋅44.3≈1000{displaystyle {text{heart rate (bpm)}}cdot {text{systolic ejection period (s)}}cdot 44.3approx 1000}. The resulting simplified formula is:

Aortic Valve area (in cm2)≈Cardiac Output(litremin)Peak to Peak Gradient (mmHg){displaystyle {text{Aortic Valve area (in cm}}^{2}{text{)}}approx {frac {{text{Cardiac Output}}({frac {text{litre}}{text{min}}})}{sqrt {text{Peak to Peak Gradient (mmHg)}}}}}

Example: An individual undergoes left and right cardiac catheterization for the evaluation of aortic stenosis. Measurements includes an aortic pressure of 120/60, LV pressure of 170/15, cardiac output of 3.5 liters/minute. What is the aortic valve area?
Answer: The peak gradient between the LV and aorta is 50 mmHg. This gives

Aortic valve area≈3.550≈0.5cm2{displaystyle {text{Aortic valve area}}approx {frac {3.5}{sqrt {50}}}approx 0.5 {text{cm}}^{2}}

The Agarwal-Okpara-Bao equation[edit]

The Agarwal-Okpara-Bao equation is a new form of AVA evaluation equation named after Ramesh K. Agarwal, Emmanuel c Okpara, and Guangyu Bao.[4][5] It was derived from curve fitting of CFD simulation results and 80 clinical data obtained by Minners, Allgeier, Gohlke-Baerwolf, Kienzle, Neumann, and Jander [6] using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. The comparison of the results calculated from Gorlin Equation, Agarwal-Okpara-Bao Equation, and clinical data is shown in the figures on the right.

Comparasion of results from Gorlin_Agarwal-Okpara-Bao and Clinical data

Valve Area (in cm2)=(0.832+Q (mlmin)600.35 ⋅mean Gradient (dynes/cm2))0.5−0.87{displaystyle {text{Valve Area (in cm}}^{2}{text{)}}={text{(0.83}}^{2}+{frac {frac {{text{Q (}}{frac {ml}{min}})}{text{60}}}{{text{0.35 }}cdot {sqrt {text{mean Gradient (dynes/cm2)}}}}}{text{)}}^{text{0.5}}-{text{0.87}}}

Example: An individual undergoes left and right cardiac catheterization for the evaluation of aortic stenosis. The following hemodynamic parameters were measured. During simultaneous measurement of pressures in the left ventricle and aorta (with the use of one catheter in the left ventricle and a second in the ascending aorta), the mean systolic pressure gradient was measured at 22665 dynes/cm2. The cardiac output is 13440 milliters/minute. What is the aortic valve area?
Answer: Valve Area (in cm2)=(0.832+13440 (mlmin)600.35 ⋅22665 (dynes/cm2))0.5−0.87≈1.35cm2{displaystyle {text{Valve Area (in cm}}^{2}{text{)}}={text{(0.83}}^{2}+{frac {frac {{text{13440 (}}{frac {ml}{min}})}{text{60}}}{{text{0.35 }}cdot {sqrt {text{22665 (dynes/cm2)}}}}}{text{)}}^{text{0.5}}-{text{0.87}}approx 1.35{text{cm}}^{2}}


  1. ^Charlson E, Legedza A, Hamel M (2006). 'Decision-making and outcomes in severe symptomatic aortic stenosis'. J Heart Valve Dis. 15 (3): 312–21. PMID16784066.
  2. ^Varadarajan, P; Kapoor, N; Bansal, RC; Pai, RG (2006). 'Survival in elderly patients with severe aortic stenosis is dramatically improved by aortic valve replacement: results from a cohort of 277 patients aged >/=80 years'. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 30 (5): 722–7. doi:10.1016/j.ejcts.2006.07.028. PMID16950629.
  3. ^Hakki A, Iskandrian A, Bemis C, Kimbiris D, Mintz G, Segal B, Brice C (1981). 'A simplified valve formula for the calculation of stenotic cardiac valve areas'. Circulation. 63 (5): 1050–5. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.63.5.1050. PMID7471364.
  4. ^Agarwal, R. K.; Okpara, E (2010). 'Numerical Study of Pulsatile Flow through Models of Vascular and Aortic Valve Stenoses and Assessment of Gorlin Equation'. AIAA Paper 2010-4733, AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Chicago, IL, 28 June – 1 July.
  5. ^Agarwal, R. K.; Bao, G (2015). 'Numerical Study of Flow Through Models of Aortic Valve Stenoses and Assessment of Gorlin Equation'. In the Proceedings of the ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJK2015-26132, Held from July 26–31, 2015, in Seoul, Korea.
  6. ^Minners, J.; Allgeier, M.; Gohlke-Baerwolf, C.; Kienzle, R.; Neumann, F. & Jander, N (2007). 'Inconsistencies of Echocardiographic Criteria for the Grading of Aortic Valve Stenosis'. European Heart Journal. 29 (8): 1043–5. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehm543. PMID18156619.
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If you want to measure the actual size of a small object in inches or centimeters and you don't have a real ruler at hand, this virtual on-screen online ruler will help you. You can make the necessary measurements on any device that allows you to browse the web. This online app works on both computers with a large screen (laptops, PCs, monoblocks or smart TVs) and mobile gadgets (phones, phablets, tablets, e-ink readers). The maximum length of the ruler (fully visible when displayed on a sufficient screen) is 20 inches, or 50 centimeters (500 millimeters) for the metric scale option.

💁 How to use this online ruler

For the ruler to display correctly (i.e., in proportion to the actual physical size), it must be calibrated. You can calibrate it in one of the following two ways:

Drama 2 0 6 Cm Inches

  1. 📱 💻 📺 Set screen diagonal

    This is the most reliable and easy way. Specify the size of the diagonal of your screen in inches ('). Enter this value in the input field located in the lower left corner of the ruler image. Then click the or press the button on the keyboard. You can also select the size from the drop-down list (which opens when you click the button , which is adjacent to the numeric input field). This presents many of the most common options among users.

    The diagonal of the current device's display, automatically detected by the browser, is . In most practical cases, this calculated value does not correspond to the real extent and is instead proposed for consideration as an approximate one for consideration purposes. This circumstance is caused by the existing constraint imposed by the specifics of the interaction of modern web browsers (none of which has the functionality of providing web applications with access to information about the display's physical parameters) with operating systems. Depending on the type and class of device, the probable error varies in a range of up to several centimeters, or 1 inch. Accordingly, to the best possible, the reliability of the indications of the uncalibrated online ruler will differ from the standard. Nevertheless, the deviation may be minimal. In this case, the initially visualized ruler will be suitable for measurements that do not require high accuracy (especially when measuring small objects).

    If you do not know the exact value of your screen's diagonal, you can find it in the technical documentation attached to the device, or simply search the Internet for the model name.
    If for some reason this information is difficult to obtain and you have a standard plastic card with you, you can use the second method. ↓

  2. 💳 Fit to the width of a plastic card

    You can also calibrate the on-screen ruler using a bank payment card. Its standard width is 3.37 inches (3 3⁄8 inches), or 85.6 mm (8 centimeters, 56 millimeters) for the metric measurement. For your convenience, the corresponding sign is plotted under the scale of the ruler. Change the diagonal value in the input field until the edge of the plastic card attached (oriented horizontally) to the screen coincides with the black stroke to the left of the icon.

    Using this method in addition to the first method will allow you to determine the size of the display diagonal. To avoid the known inconvenience associated with selecting a number by successive manual input, bring it to the desired value using the vertical scroll arrows that appear on the right side of the input field when you hover the cursor over it (when using the virtual ruler on a PC).

📏🔧 How the ruler's actual size is achieved

Based on the browser-defined screen height and width, the script:
  1. calculates the diagonal in pixels (it does not matter if the number of virtual pixels on which the browser operates is the actual physical resolution of the display);
  2. calculates the PPI (pixels per inch) of the screen: the resulting diagonally expressed diagonal is divided by the user's diagonal value in inches;
  3. determines the length of the ruler in pixels, the corresponding real 50 centimeters: the PPI value is multiplied by expressed in inches 50 centimeters. For inch scale, it is simply multiplied by 20.

Drama 2 0 6 Cm =

⚠️ ️Note

Drama 2 0 6 Cm Berapa

Keep in mind that the above instructions for setting up the ruler are valid only when the following conditions apply:

Drama 2 0 6 Cm Equals

  • Standard page scale adjustment in your browser (this is true for desktop browsers). When the scale is zoomed in/out, the ruler scale will shrink/stretch (along with other elements on the page that are subject to transformation during scaling). This will lead to a significant distortion of the online ruler readings. If you often, for example, change the font sizes on sites, be sure to set the scale to 100%;
  • JavaScript is enabled;
  • The ability to download images is enabled.

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